Hey, this is me and Roy (my cousin who's name is really Katie , but seeing as how's there two of them, we call her Roy) and Katie and Erika. Katie (the not cousin one) is the the one in the blue kimono with the large golden bow. She's so sweet. Then Erika is the one with the short hair and red eyes. She actually is the only of us four with short hair. Then there's me and Roy (my cousin Katie) in the center. Katie (her eyes really are blue) is sitting on me (brown hair, green eyes, happiness) *the sitting on me isn't uncommon, she's fond of smothering me first thing in the morning*. And you'll notice there's a Neko in the picture. Oh how I long for neko ears. I miss them all....
Oh sigh, well, just thought I'd let my asian loose for a while.....yeu nhe, kon-ni-nichiwa! <33333333333333