Good Kissers vs. Pride
I'm having I Gidget Trilogy tonight. Oh, I've always loved the movie Gidget. Gidget goes Hawaiian is okay and Gidget goes to Rome is just plain awful. It just started going downhill since Sandra Dee left. I mean, sure Moondoggie's great, tall, dark, handsome, talented, charming, clean, and a great singer, but his interest in Gidget is waning throughout the entire series. It just goes to show that long distance relationships really don't have much of a chance. Anyway, when they go to Rome, he falls in love with another girl, a top heavy tour guide with a great hairstyle. Anyway, she tries to make him jealous by going for an older married man....ugh! In the end, the tour guide rejects Jeff, so he goes back to Gidget and get this.....SHE TAKES HIM BACK!!!!!!! Oh dear sweet heart, never be a second choice. It's simply not worth it, no matter how good a kisser he is....well.....