Sunday, October 02, 2005

A One?....Yeah!!!!!!!!!

WE got a one, WE got a one, We got a one heh heh heh heh!

Yes, that's right everyone. The Celina Mighty Marching Bobcat Band got a one a Mesquite Invitational Marching Festival....we also got best in class, best drum line, and best horn line. Not to mention that um.....I was outstanding drum major for 1A, 2A, and 3A.....*dusts off shoulder*.....oh but what a big head the freshmen are getting. They have no idea that this does not mean a one at region and we probably would not have gotten any awards had Argyle been there. So, lots of love and encouragement to everyone.

If you can talk you can sing. If you can walk you can dance.
- Zimbabwe Proverb