Friday, April 28, 2006

Innocent Bloggers Do Not Continue

Okay......all innocent, unpolluted minds must not continue beyond this point. Not that anyone really reads my blog, but for those of you imaginary people that do.....consider carefully what you do and do not want to know about me before you continue....



...I'm warning you...



...I'm only doing this for your own good....



...I'm only trying to protect you...



...Why are you still reading?...



...Go away...



...You know what fine....



...I give up...



...These dots are starting to annoy...



...Last chance...



...Fine I'm just gonna say it...



...Here I go...


Okay. My older sister took me shopping yesterday and we bought pretty lingerie. My sister said that a girl should never go off to college without an extensive lingerie collection. Why, she wouldn't exactly tell me....Hmnn....It must seem kind of silly, because it wasn't exactly what one would consider lingerie, just some pretty underthings. But it was fun. You know, another silly thing is that even though no one sees it, pretty unmentionables give you an extra bounce in your step. I mean not that anyone is going to see it, at least not in the near future, but it's nice to know that underneath your everyday jeans and t-shirts is some frippiric finery and it gives you a sly smile and people wonder what secret thoughts she is thinking that might make her blush. Little do they know, she's thinking about the lace ruffle on her new panties.

I love being a girl. Can you imagine a guy talking that way comfortably on the internet? Well, actually, I can imagine a few, but not a lot. (brokeback crucible....cough) Anyway, sorry. I just had to spill to the world wide web about my new panties and such. I mean, I did yell out the color of my underwear in front of the entire congregation of drum majors and staff and camp this summer just to prove that one had to be unembarrassed to project. Anyway, I've always liked panties. Shopping for panties and shoes are my two favorite things to shop for. My mother would just rather assume that I wear white, cotton, granny panties and never know about anything else. I'm so glad for my older sister. Yeah for lingerie and panties.


Blogger Chris said...

Parris: I love you Hale
Hale: I love you two
Parris: You look so hot when you pray
Hale: Come 'ere!

Certain unmentionable things happen. Lights out. Lights back on. Parris and Hale are standing next to each other. They are both quite ruffled and messy.

Hale and Parris: Wow

12:16 AM  

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