Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

These are them....

Good Intentions:

-Practice More (yeah right....)
-Break my horrible procrastination habits (incurable disease)
-Actually Study
-Eat Healthy (well....<looks guiltily from side to side>)
-Excercise (I will probably actually get to this one b/c I like moving now that i've healed enough)
-Eliminate my junk (nope, pack ratness is a genetic disorder that runs in the family)
-Be a nicer sister *smirk*
-Wake up early regularly *yawn*....nope, not happening
-Clean my room that's ever gonna happen


-Learn to cook food that is actually edible (I have to or I will starve when I leave home)
-Learn to sew
-Start running again (only two months left,
-Become more eurdite (definitely need that one for college)
-Make college band (I need the scholarships)
-Make college choir (I kinda need to learn to sing first though)
-Become Technology Savvy (malfunction magnet)
-Decide what I want to might help to have some direction *sarcasm*
-Strengthen my ankle (so I can run, YEAH!)
-TSSEC....that's a must only because I am a senior and it's my last chance
-Finish scrapbook (Mrs. Long will eat me if I don't)


-Improve speaking and conversation...grammar and content (no comment, don't make fun)
"Lesser minds talk of people...
Good minds talk of events...
Great minds talk of ideas..."
-Save money for an overseas trip (South Korea and/or Japan...I've got a group of four going now)
-Learn Spanish (Yes, I know I dropped out, but I'm still doing independent study)
-Learn some Korean and Japanese (I have to to take my trip)
-Keep long distance friends.....*eyes glistening in sadness*....I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
-Pierce my ears....that's iffy....
-Write more....this year I wrote a total of 1023 pages on independent fiction and essays
-Learn about other countries....(I'm tired of being an ignorant, self-centered American)
-Spoil my nephew (that won't be hard....he's so cute and soft)
-Learn to bluff....I really suck at Poker

Okay, there may be more and I'm sure they'll come to me, but this is just off the top of my head...I still need to know yours....


Blogger Chris said...

It sounds like you've already broken most of them

5:13 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

It sounds like you've already broken most of them

5:13 PM  

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