Tuesday, August 09, 2005


You know, I was reading Andrew's blog about that claymation film. I was about to comment and say I have not seen the movie, but I quickly decided that I would say no comment. But then I paused again and realized something. What idiot would comment to say that they have no comment?!! Oh tis fine. I don't think I'm an idiot, most of the time. - I am removing the comment option for this post by the way, so don't even try. - Well, anyway, my foot is falling asleep, the broken one and two-a-days are occupying all my morning nap time so....necessito tomar una siesta.....adios muchachos........

I'm already counting down the days to Christmas vacation. School is going to kill me. By the way, Katie-chan, how is school....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah....you're in school and I'm not. I take it back, I'm sorry. Yeu nhe.....tam biet